Monday, May 9, 2011

Sisterhood Hen Huttle or Huddle or Party...all good

I have a new found group of "sisters" here at the Redneck Riviera. We are all women of worth, character, brilliance, charm, talents, strength, enduance with life experiences as military wives, military moms, civilian wives, civilian moms, businessness women, business owners, Soldiers' Angels, Patriot Guard & Warrior Watch Riders,little league supporters, chief cooks and bottle washers.. the list is endless.  We've all had dreams from the times we were little girls that have sometimes come true, sometimes crushed and carried away into nowhere like a feather on a breeze over and into the ocean. We've shifted from sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 to 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, or more and strive to fight the hormonal changes and birthing that caused it with one diet after the other, on and off again exercise, and just plain wishing.  We've suffer the continual surprises, good and bad, that go with being a wife, a mom, a daughter, sister, or friend. We often wonder who we can trust to tell our deepest woes and hope someone is there that understands. We know grief of the death of parents, grandparents, siblings, husbands, children, and friends. We know the joy of the unexpected gift of hugs, laughs, support and love given by one another in an unexpected moment. ...through one another we can cope better with the downsides of life and create more laughter for the upside....thank you to all my sisters...together we'll meander this journey on planet earth.

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